Join our Co-op Support and Development group
Now that our strategy and budgets are in place this group is being formed and is taking the lead on designing and delivering our members learning and support programmes. More detail can be found on this page in our Strategy.
Sign up at the bottom of this page.
Purpose: To educate people to start, strengthen and grow great worker co-ops.
1. Design and oversee a range of learning opportunities for workers and supporters within our membership, increasing their skill and capabilities to meet the needs of their co-ops.
2. Support the mobilisation group with the creation of induction resources to on-board new members and supporters of
3. Design and oversee our “Co-op clinic” or other services to connect members with problems to solutions or supporters who can help.
4. Make starting or converting to a worker co-op, well known, easy to grasp, and a viable option.
- Co-op Conversations
- Peer networking
- Punchcard! Podcast
- New Worker Induction
- Mentor and advisor match making
- Givers' Gain business networking for co-ops
Sign up at the bottom of this page.
Who is this group for?
Anyone is welcome to join this group - you don't need to be a qualified Co-op business advisor. You do have to be a member of, but individuals can now do that (get in touch with secretary@ for more info).
As long as you have a sense of what sort of support a worker co-op needs, or the sector as a whole to thrive, this group wants to hear from you.
You may also have an interest on the service design side of creating the underlying technology, systems and processes to make this happen or are interested in writing content, training or faciliating our learning programmes themslves.
By joining you will help make decisions over what support and development should be delivering, having strategic oversight, make budgetary decisions and proposals for new projects, and opt to get involved in current programmes.
Group joining information:
- Co-op Support & Dev meets on the 3rd Thursday of every other month in the afternoon 14.00-15.30. (Cycle: Feb, April, June etc.)
- This group needs at least 5 members and it currently has 3, so we are looking for at least two more members to ensure it runs effectively.
- You will need to commit to 1.5 hours of your time every other month at a minimum
- By joining you will be expected to attend meetings or send apologies
- There are both volunteer and paid opportunities depending on the nature of the work and level of committment.