Glasgow Co-op Meet-up (evening)

About the event

Glasgow’s informal co-op meetup, come along to meet other worker co-operators

We're *not* holding a July Glasgow meet-up. The Scotland Worker Co-ops Gathering is in Dundee on Thursday 27 June - so we'll be having a wee rest the following week!

Come and join us in Dundee in June with other worker co-ops from across Scotland for a day of info, learning and networking. Delicious vegan food and a post-event social. You can help us shape the programme and get a free one-to-one co-op development advice session when you register - it's free to Register.

And it all starts in Glasgow on the day of the Gathering: join Glasgow worker co-ops at Queen St station for the 8.10am Glasgow-Dundee train. Co-op conviviality en route - bring your own coffee & croissants.



Glasgow Co-op Meetup general info

Glasgow worker co-ops run monthly meet-ups on the first Tuesday of the month, usually at Green City Wholefoods but occasionally at Mono or WEST from 5.30 – 7.30pm. The meet-ups are for worker co-ops and radical housing co-ops but any other co-operator or anyone/group interested in starting a co-op of any kind is very welcome to join us.

If you're a worker coop visiting Glasgow, come and say hello.

Join the signal group chat

If you’ve not yet signed up to the Glasgow Coops Meet-up Signal group get on it now by contacting to keep up to date on meet-ups, coops news, shout-outs and events of interest to coops.