Glasgow Co-op Meet-up (evening)

About the event

Glasgow’s informal co-op meetup, come along to meet other worker co-operators

This month we'll be taking a tour through Glasgow's co-operative past. It's been a ride!

Our November meet-up welcomes Dr Katie McCrossan from Glasgow University. Historian and avid heritage fan, Katie has been developing a walking tour of Co-operative Glasgow. We'll amble through the city's venerable co-operative history via 7 iconic co-operative buildings. 

As it's a November evening, Katie will be leading the tour indoors. Expect an illustrated "walk" through Glasgow from the comfort of your seat. With snacks.

This is an informal event and the walking tour is a work in progress, so Katie's presentation - a virtual walking tour - will be followed by feedback and discussion ... before the tour hits the streets in spring 2025!

The monthly meet-up is an informal meeting and any co-op or co-op ally is welcome to drop in.

Please note the venue for this event *may* change: watch this space  / check the venue closer to the time.

Glasgow Co-op Meetup general info

Glasgow worker co-ops run monthly meet-ups on the first Tuesday of the month from 5.30 – 7.30pm. The venue varies. The meet-ups are for worker co-ops and radical housing co-ops but any other co-operator or anyone/group interested in starting a co-op of any kind is very welcome to join us.

If you're a worker coop visiting Glasgow, come and say hello.

Join the signal group chat

If you’ve not yet signed up to the Glasgow Coops Meet-up Signal group get on it now by contacting to keep up to date on meet-ups, coops news, shout-outs and events of interest to coops.