Glasgow Co-ops Meet-up – New Year Warmer

About the event

Glasgow’s informal co-op meetup, come along to meet other worker co-operators

New Year Meet-up

Our first meet-up of the new year is on Tuesday 9 January (because the first Tuesday of the month is on Jan 2nd in 2024, a recovery day. So we're moving the date back by a week as a one-off).  

We'll be getting together at Green City Wholefoods meeting space to start planning and making our own Glasgow Coops banner for this year's May Day and to demonstrate visible co-operative solidarity at local events. There's a long history of vibrant banners in the co-operative movement, especially the Cooperative Women's Guild. Try to catch the banner, based on mining community banners, in Ken Loach's latest film The Old Oak

So, if you have ideas, sewing skills, scraps of fabric or just enthusiasm or curiosity, come and help design and make our own Glasgow Co-ops banner.

The banner workshop replaces the follow-up session on sociocracy with Jan Baykara from Common Knowledge workers coop. This will take place later on in the spring. 


Glasgow Co-op Meetup general info

Glasgow worker coops run monthly meet-ups on the first Tuesday of the month, usually at Mono Café Bar or Green City Wholefoods, from 5.30 – 7.30pm. The meet-ups are for worker coops and radical housing coops but any other cooperator or anyone/group interested in starting a coop of any kind is very welcome to join us; and if you're a worker coop visiting Glasgow, come and say hello!

From November, we're trialling a daytime meet-up too for folk who can't make evenings: third Tuesday of the month, at GOMA, 11am - 1pm in the cafe/library downstairs. See separate listing for more info. Just drop in. 

Join the signal group chat

If you’ve not yet signed up to the Glasgow Coops Meet-up Signal group get on it now by contacting to keep up to date on meet-ups, coops news, shout-outs and events of interest to coops.