3 members of the Board are standing down before the elections in spring 2024. Therefore the Board would like to co-opt one or more people to join the board until then. It could be an opportunity to try out the role before standing for election in the New Year.

Please send expressions of interest to secretary@workers.coop.

The Board’s Purpose

To be accountable to, and make decisions in the interest of members. To oversee the strategic direction, good governance and financial sustainability of this federation. To support and effectively hold to account for delivery all working groups and worker members.


  • Setting and overseeing the execution of a strategic plan
  • Ensuring financial responsibility and long term sustainability
  • Managing risks and ensuring compliance with the law
  • Cultivating and reflecting our members’ co-operative values
  • Ensuring an active, democratic membership and good governance
  • Maintaining connections with external organisations, particularly within the UK and global co-op movement.

Director Role Profile


A Director provides oversight, governance and leadership to workers.coop Limited in the pursuit of its objectives and rules. Ensure that business decisions are made in the best interest of workers.coop Limited and the interests of members. Although a Director is nominated by an Enterprise Member they should not see their role as representing that or other member groups.


  • To attend Board meetings as required. Typically: online, 2hr monthly meetings.
  • To read all Board papers prior to the meeting, scrutinize and take part in discussions
  • To share responsibility for ensuring the Board is directing its attention where it is required (e.g. actively shaping Board meeting agendas and instigating any other activities needed) To comply with the statutory director duties. link
  • To abide by workers.coop Limited internal policies. link
  • To contribute actively to the Board’s role in giving firm strategic direction to workers.coop Limited,  approving policy, objectives and evaluating performance against agreed strategic plans.
  • To follow co-operative values and principles and create a genuinely egalitarian culture and space for people to reach their potential and flourish.
  • Keep informed about the activities of workers.coop Limited and wider issues which affect its work.
  • Complete full induction process upon election.
  • Undertake appropriate training and other methods of ongoing learning and development.

Competencies and capacity

  • A commitment to workers.coop Limited, our values, principles and objects.
  • Practical experience from having held a similar position in another co-op, preferably a worker co-op.
  • A willingness and capacity to devote the necessary time and effort to their duties as a non-executive director. At least 1-2 days a month to Board activities.
  • The ability to think strategically, with the courage of conviction to scrutinze and hold to account Directors and Worker Members.
  • Knowledge of the governance and legal framework applicable to a co-operative society
  • Able to understand and interrogate financial information
  • An understanding of risk management and the ability to think independently and critically about information provided to the Board
  • Sound, independent judgement, an ability to ask questions and challenge.
  • An ability to think creatively, be open minded and continually learn.
  • A sound knowledge of worker co-ops and the co-operative movement


  • Experience of/willingness to take on additional roles such as facilitator, minute-taker or peer supporting staff (please specify)


Q: Why are people stepping down?
A: One is standing down to take up the Society Secretary role and the other two had been on the Worker Co-operative Council prior to the federation and now felt like the earliest they could stand down given the federation is through the intial start-up phase.

Q: Will my expenses be covered?
A: The role is unpaid, but travel and subsistence costs for in-person board meetings will be covered by workers.coop.

Q: Who will decide who joins the Board?
A: The existing Board will select from candidates who come forward against the role profile above. Given these are co-options to fill vacant places and the desire to fill them quickly we didn’t think it right to run democratic elections for roles that would have to stand down anyway at the first AGM.

Q: When do members get a say?
A: full Board elections will take place in the run up to the 2024 workers.coop AGM.

To apply, please send expressions of interest to secretary@workers.coop.